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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
Autres comptes : /
Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 17:01
Keytan-Emery "Brett'' Edison
« Run away-ay with me; Lost souls in revelry ; Running wild and running free ; Two kids, you and me. »
si j'étais ...
un animal
un lama
une nationalité
un style de musique
Folk rock
de la nourriture
ta préférée
Où avez-vous grandi et comment vous êtes vous retrouvé à Fairfax / DC ?
j'ai grandi à New-York pendant mes deux petites premières années. Doux souvenirs, ouais. Sauf que je n'en ai pas. Pour moi, New-York est une ville inconnue que j'aimerais visiter. Mes parents ont quittés New-York pour Washington. Je vois donc Washington comme ma ville, celle de mon enfance, de mon adolescence et bref, tu vois le genre. Je me suis retrouvé ici car mon père a eu l'offre de sa vie. Il ne pouvait pas le refuser. Du coup, Brett fait ses bagages et va à Washington. Voilà pour la petite histoire.  

Vous y sentez vous bien ? Qu'est-ce qui vous plait à Fairfax / DC ? Qu'est-ce qui vous déplait ?
Bien-sûr que je m'y sens bien. C'est comme ma ville à moi. Etant petit, je connaissais les gens de mon immeuble. Je les saluais en mode ''Salut Huguette" En fait, je m'y suis vite adapté et je l'ai adoré dès que j'ai posé un pied ici. Comment ne pas aimer Washington, hein? Après, la perfection n'existe pas -j'sais pas vous mais j'existe donc.. perfection sur terre c'est peut-être possible- mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé de défaut ou quelque chose qui me déplaît. J'vous tiens au courant si jamais.

Si vous pouviez habiter ailleurs, où serait-ce ?
New-York, je pense. C'est la ville de mes deux premières années, la ville, où, normalement, j'étais censé rester mais le destin a fait autrement. Mais ce serait sûrement New-York, une ville active où il ne manque pas de gens -et surtout de filles-. Ou alors Las Vegas. Quoi qu'il en soit, New-York reste mon premier choix, ami.

Que pensez-vous de la ville adverse ?
Sincèrement ? Je n'y porte pas grande importance. Je suis bien assez occupé pour me faire des idées sur la ville adverse. Elle reste quand même adverse et je n'aime pas forcément les adversaires, note ça.

nom : Edison. Je ne me suis pas renseigné, mon nom c'est Edison, point final.
prénom : Keytan-Emery. Je n'aime pas que l'on appelle ainsi. Les noms composés, ce n'est pas ce que j'adore. On m'appelle donc Brett. Sauf mes parents qui eux, m'appellent comme bon leur semble.
date et lieu de naissance : 12 décembre, à New-York. Vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver.
âge :  25 ans. Et ouais, j'ai vu le jour il y a autant d'année mais j'suis toujours un petit fou.
nationalité : Américain. Encore une fois, à New-York. Vive l'Amérique, ami.
origines : mexicaines, amérindiennes, irlandaises, anglaises et tout ça a donné un parfait mélange. Autrement dit, moi.
statut civil : Je suis actuellement célibataire. Un jour, qui sait, je trouverais l'amour.
statut social : aisé. J'ai le physique, le mental et l'argent. Allez, viens.
profession(s) : Mon but c'est d'être avocat mais j'suis qu'un stagiaire, pour l'instant.
études et année : dernière année de droit. C'bientôt fini.
ville et quartier de résidence :  southwest waterfront, washington dc
Ain't nothing wrong with that
" Et pourquoi... " Ta mère te regarde, elle a l'air totalement blasé. " Keytan, je t'en supplie, va poser ton autre question à papa." Depuis plus d'une trentaine de minutes, tu ne fais que ça, lui poser des questions. Elle en a sûrement marre. Non, rectification, elle en a clairement marre. Vu l'expression de son visage, on ne peut pas se tromper. Tu es dans la cuisine, sur le plan de travail, tu regardes ta mère cuisiner... Et, tu poses des questions, mais ça, on l'a compris. " Mais papa, il travaille ! Il va me dire 'va demander à maman'. '' Tu fais semblant de bouder, ta mère se remet à te regarder. Tu fuis directement son regard parce que si tu la vois, tu vas commencer à rire. " Mais nooon ! " Mais siiii ! " Maman, pourquoi je suis là ? C'est parce qu'il m'a dit ça avant que je vienne. " Elle doit sûrement se demander pourquoi elle a voulu un enfant. Et pourquoi elle m'a eu moi. Ah, la vie. " Donc, tu m'écoutes, maintenant ? " Tu ne fais plus la gueule, t'as un grand sourire aux lèvres, t'es redevenu le petit garçon souriant que tu es habituellement. T'as toujours été têtu, t'as toujours voulu tout savoir et avoir le dernier mot. Tu avais réponse à toutes les questions, d'après les autres, tu répondais comme il fallait et tu n'y allais pas par quatre-chemins.

" Tu t'es bagarré, fils ? " Tu hoches la tête, fièrement. " Pourquoi ? " Tu regardes ton père, tu croises les bras et tu commences à lui expliquer la situation, donc, celle-ci.

Tu entends des pleurs, quelqu'un pleure dans la cours de récréation, mais tu ignores pourquoi. Tu n'aimes pas les pleurs, ça te rend mal, tu es triste de voir et d'entendre les autres pleurer. Plus loin, dans la cour, tu vois un regroupement. Tu te rapproches, au milieu, il y a trois garçons et le petit nouveau. Les trois sauvages sont en train de taper le nouveau. Sympa. Tu bouscules tout le monde pour avoir, toi aussi, ta place dans le milieu. Pourquoi pas, après tout ? Ils savent taper les nouveaux, mais pourquoi pas les gens comme toi ? " Bande d'idiots ! " Tu leur craches ça à la figure. Tu sais que ça va mal se terminer, mais tu t'en fous. Tu penses vraiment ce que tu dis, ce sont des imbéciles finis. Tu cries maintes insultes, insultes que tout le monde balance quand on a huit ans, hein. À la fin, ça s'est fini en baston. Tu as gagné parce que tu avais tes amis. Tes chers amis que tu aimais à la folie. Tu as quand même eu mal. Ils étaient trois, après tout. Les idiots.

" Ils ont été méchants avec lui, j'ai voulu l'aider. Ce n'est pas moi qui ai tapé en premier, je me suis juste défendu. " Tu as le sang chaud, la tête haute. Tu n'aimes pas la violence, mais il faut bien l'utiliser en cas de besoin, non ? Et là, tu en avais besoin. Ils le méritaient. " Je te crois. Maintenant, file à table ! Et pss ! " Il se rapproche doucement de toi et te glisse. " Tu as bien fait, mais ne dit rien à ta mère. " Parce que ta mère s'était l'amour et la paix. Faites l'amour pas la guerre. Pas de violence, des bisous. Oui oui, mais non, tu n'allais pas donner des bisous à ces crétins.

Tu passais la plupart de ton temps avec tes meilleurs amis. Ornella et Julian. Ces deux-là, c'était ton tout. On ne pouvait plus te croiser sans les deux. Julian sans toi, c'était impossible. Et toi, sans Julian, pareil. Et c'était la même chose avec Ornella. Tu les as appréciés, du genre, beaucoup. Tu les admirais. Tu les adorais. Tu les aimais. Les trois mousquetaires, en gros. En fait, c'est un peu le truc du : t'en touches un, t'es mort. Parce que les gens pouvaient toucher aux autres, mais pas à eux. C'était fort entre vous.

Au lycée, t'était ce genre de gars populaire, sportif, blagueur, souriant et qui déconne toute la journée. Celui, qui, malgré tout, foutait quelque chose en cours. Celui qui avait des rêves et des ambitions. En fait, t'étais un vrai cliché, mais tu aimais le clicher que tu étais. Ouais, tu t'adorais. Pour toi, tu étais parfait. Mais bon, tu ne le montrais pas à tout le monde. Ou juste un tout petit peu. Clairement prétentieux et égocentrique, mais malgré ça, on t'aimait bien. Le plus parfait des clichés. Les années ont passé et pourtant, tu es toujours ainsi. Ce petit gamin dans ta tête, il ne veut pas partir et ne compte pas partir de si tôt.
PSEUDO / PRÉNOM : titi/pauline AGE : donnez moi un 1, donnez moi un 4. bref, 14 ans. RÉGION : j'habite en belgique, à bruxelles PERSONNAGE :  scénario de Ornella/ (Julian) AVATAR : Tyler Posey OU AVEZ VOUS TROUVÉ LE FORUM ? partenariat PETIT MOT :  ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742

≈ <pris>Tyler Posey</pris> est joué par <i><a href="" target="_blank">K-E. "Brett" Edison</a></i>

Dernière édition par K-E. "Brett" Edison le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:23, édité 2 fois
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Harden Campbell
Harden Campbell

Date d'inscription : 28/05/2015
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Crédits : rivendell (avatar) + endlesslove (signature)

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 17:18
TYLER l'homme de ma vie ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 réserve moi un lien ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 et bon choix de scénario !
Bienvenue sur YFN et bon courage pour la fin de ta fiche ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2809066758 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1782962076 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 681356645 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2591119451 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3967127795 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 893427059 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3409993423 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2751134779 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3410567543
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Ailis Montgomery
Ailis Montgomery

Date d'inscription : 11/09/2015
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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 17:29
bienvenue sur le forum ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2751134779
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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 18:15
Bienvenue ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533
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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
Autres comptes : /
Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:25
Harden - on en parle d'Holland ? ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 J'te réserve un lien avec plaisir ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 Merci ! ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 733572406

Merci à vous deux ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2751134779
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Julian Reynolds
Julian Reynolds

Date d'inscription : 11/09/2015
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Pseudo/prénom : nuits fauves/ anne
Crédits : hepburns (av)

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:31
♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2656933988 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 411427455 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 :'): ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3172373158 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1382376378 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1736969981 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1126665930 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2422692271 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 603391717 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1465601644 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1238977949 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 70842201 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1111959404

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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
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Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:32
Tu m'fais rougir, Julian. ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 MERCI ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742
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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:33
MON DIEU. TU ES LA ! ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2809066758 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2670071383 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 169872138 I love you ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2011673324 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1773178078 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1651166037 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2536704925 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 150051497 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 733572406 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3967127795 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1174719896 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1494006241

Je suis trop trop contente ! Bienvenuuuuue ! ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2751134779
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Julian Reynolds
Julian Reynolds

Date d'inscription : 11/09/2015
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Pseudo/prénom : nuits fauves/ anne
Crédits : hepburns (av)

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:37
K-E. \"Brett" Edison a écrit:
Tu m'fais rougir, Julian. ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 MERCI ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3967127795

Sinon je laisse bien entendu le privilège à Ornella de donner son avis puisqu'au final c'est son scénario, mais moi tout me va pour sa fiche, j'adore la partie histoire ! ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 633242927
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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
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Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:40
MERCI A VOUS DEUX ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611
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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 19:42
MOH JE FAIS LA DANSE DE LA JOIE DANS MON LIT.. ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 881562063

Sinon pour la fiche, tout me va ! Elle est parfaite, il n'y a aucun soucis ! (J'avoue que la partie histoire envoie du pâté) ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 740400073 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3653667024
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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
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Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 20:07
Vous êtes choux ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187
J'avais peur que ça plaise pas, en plus ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3839390871
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Noam Douglas-Bowman
Noam Douglas-Bowman

Date d'inscription : 11/09/2015
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Avatar : chris wood
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Crédits : flares ♥

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 20:10
tyler posey ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1035172999 bienvenue sur yfn ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3409993423
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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
Points : 0
Avatar : Tyler Posey
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Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 20:11
Jack ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2049064187 mercii ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533
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Milos Blackwell
Milos Blackwell

Date d'inscription : 28/05/2015
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Crédits : tearsflight (avatar) endlesslove (signature) tumblr (gifs)

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 22:01
14ans, un petit bébé ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676
bienvenuuuue ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2686298104 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3138925601 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3658999533 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 681356645 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2591119451 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3032646029 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1236986081 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1046481177 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3833384877 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2536704925 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4200222827 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3922793052 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3264574501 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2703412611 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 835842063 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 158543584 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2756048254 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2989460496 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3839319335 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 163297430 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4102085390
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K-E. "Brett" Edison

Date d'inscription : 16/10/2015
Messages : 37
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Avatar : Tyler Posey
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Pseudo/prénom : titi/pauline
Crédits : ava : sweet nothing - gif : tumblr - signa : soon

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 22:16
MAIS EUH ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 4111627157 J'suis grande bientôt ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1369711676 azy, c'bon, j'suis un bebey, je l'accepte. ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 3839390871
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April Powell
April Powell

Date d'inscription : 16/07/2015
Messages : 171
Points : 13
Avatar : Isla Fisher
Pseudo/prénom : The Queen
Crédits : Herjuliwiii (avatar), Tumblr (gif)

♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

Posté le Ven 16 Oct 2015 - 22:37
There will be blood !

Bienvenue chez les Game of Thrones, là où il n'y a pas de règles du jeu, pas de pitié et pas de place pour les faibles. Ici, il faut être prêt à tout pour obtenir ce qu'on veut le plus.

Te voilà enfin validé et tu vas pouvoir te lancer dans l'aventure et faire évoluer ton personnage parmi nous ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2536704925
Sache que si jamais tu as la moindre question, tu peux te tourner vers un membre du staff ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2756048254
Des groupes de flood d'intégration ont d'ailleurs été mis en place. Tu fais partie du groupe JAFAR ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1636690115

Pour la suite de ton aventure au sein du forum, nous te proposons une petite liste de liens utiles ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2751134779 Bon courage, et surtout, bon jeu !

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Petit rappel : Nous te demandons de poster au moins un rp toutes les deux semaines pour éviter d'être en danger ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 2366079219 Maintenant amuse-toi bien parmi nous ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 525203769 ♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) 1085320742
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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison) Empty

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♚ What I think of me? Easy. I am perfect. ♚ (k-e. "brett" edison)

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